
經 歷
- 第25屆國際文化遺產檔案委員會(CIPA 2015)大會主席
- 國際文化遺產檔案委員會執行委員會成員 Associate Member, Executive Board, the International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA)
- 臺灣建築學會理事
- 中華民國文化資產維護學會理事
- 中國民居學會學術委員會委員
- 中華海峽兩岸文化資產交流促進會常務監事
- 內政部古蹟審查委員會委員
- 文化部歷史建築審議委員會委員
- 新北市、彰化縣、花蓮縣、金門縣、基隆市文化資產委員會委員
Current Occupation:
- Professor, Department of Architecture, China University of Technology
- Director, Center for Cultural Sites Rehabilitation and Development, China University of Technology
- Ph.D. in Architectural History and Theory, Southeast University, China
- M.A. in Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
- B.A. in Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Research Specialty:
- History of Architecture
- History of Urban
- Cultural Heritage Conservation
- Architectural Design
- Chair, 25th International CIPA Symposium (CIPA 2015)
- Member, Executive Board, the International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA)
- Member, ICORP
- Director, Architectural Institute of Taiwan
- Director, Association for Conservation of Cultural Property of the Republic of China
- Member, Academic Council of Traditional Houses Association of China
- Managing Supervisor, Chinese Cultural and Fine Arts Association
- Member, Historic Site Review Committee of Ministry of the Interior
- Member, Historic Building Review Committee of Ministry of Culture
- Member, Cultural Heritage Review Committee of New Taipei City, Changhua County, Hualien County and Kinmen County.