

總說明Overall Description

1070911日修正 Amended
  文化資產保存,是人類社會共通的普世價值,研擬建立跨層級文化保存的 「協力」機制,則是政府施政的主軸之一。國際上,在聯合國推動世界遺產公約四十餘年的努力下,逐步建構文化資產保存的各項理論、知識、執行工具以及諸多可參考的案例。基於文化資產價值優先的保存策略,已成為普世認同的基本原則。
Preservation of cultural heritage has become a common universal value of the human society. To establish and formulate a collaborative mechanism across different levels of cultural preservation is one of the main axes of governmental administration. After the promotion of World Heritage Convention for more than forty years, theories, knowledge, practical instruments, and many reference cases are constructed. The preservation strategies based on the priority of cultural heritage values have been universally recognized as a fundamental principle.
Taiwan’s Cultural Heritage Preservation Act was adopted in 1982 and several amendments had been made to include new ideas and practices since then. Among them, the emphasis on the management and adaptive reuse in the 2005 amendment and classification of cultural heritage, integrated conservation framework, as well as the civil right for participation in the 2016 amendment meet both international trends and local characteristics.
Values are abstract. In addition to visualized tangible values of built form, construction, and materials, intangible values of beliefs, folklore, and craftsmanship are imbedded in cultural heritage such as monuments, historical buildings, and commemorative building as well as their associated settings. Both of tangible and intangible values are closely related. Correct ideas and attitudes are needed in order to propose appropriate preservation strategies.
In order to put into effect and connect various works between laws and practices, Principles for Monuments, Historical Buildings and Commemorative Buildings Conservation in Taiwan are formulated and four operational guidelines: Value Recognition and Assessment, Restoration, Adaptive Reuse Plan and Practical Procedures, Daily Maintenance and Management.  
Principles and guidelines are not legislative documents. Nevertheless, they can work with laws, to function as operational references at various stages of cultural heritage preservation for different professionals and participants.
After entering the Twenty-first century, revitalizing both tangible and intangible cultural heritage in a multifold way is an important route to connect, represent the land and historic memories of the people. This work and its challenge are not merely the responsibilities of cultural administration persons and expertise. It is expected that all those who in the cultural preservation system and all citizens can participate and recognize the main purpose of cultural heritage preservation is to conserve the significant values of cultural heritage and inherited them to the future generations. By working with laws, principles and guidelines, we can accomplish this important work with cautious attitudes and concrete procedures. 

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歡迎文化資產相關領域工作者、人員、團體、相關系所師生,以及關心文化資產的民眾參閱 ,內附下載連結



Taiwan is a society of diversity. Early aboriginal people settled here and left rich cultural heritage.
For the past four centuries, Taiwan has been influenced by Chinese immigrants and foreign powers and formed a multifold, diverse and fast-changing society.
Different types of landscape, architecture and construction reflect such unique cultural phenomenon and witness the progress of Taiwan’s historical development.
The international cultural heritage conservation has a history of more than one hundred years and has developed a mature conservation theory and operational procedures after Venice Charter was adopted in 1964.
The Cultural Heritage Preservation Act was enacted in Taiwan in 1982. After accumulating experiences for more than thirty years, architectural heritage preservation laws and administration instruments have gradually been established. However, the practice is still insufficient.
The new 2016 edition Cultural Heritage Preservation Act not only expands the scope of cultural heritage, but also includes new concepts. Facing such diverse and multifold changes, preparing new preservation principles which meet both Taiwanese characteristics and global perspectives is a must and a necessity.
To formulate these principles is to offer an integrated platform at legislative and practical levels, and emphasize the importance of thinking manner and checking procedure.
These principles point out the significant values of cultural heritage and their evaluation as well as the importance of preservation which should be treated as preservation criteria. At different stages, the issues related to the value of cultural heritage should be reviewed repeatedly and been respected.
These principles are not legislative rules. But, it should be treated as an ethical code which those who involved must recognize and follow.
This principle includes for major parts:
1. Overview: To describe the goal of these principles and terminology of basic definitions.
2. Operational Concepts: To describe basic concepts of conservation and preservation.
3. Operational contents: To describe issues of different stages in practicing preservation and conservation procedures.
4. Operational participants: To describe the roles and responsibilities of those who using these principles.

第一章 總則
Chapter One Overview

1.1 Goals
The goals of the principles are to ensure the preservation of values of monuments, historical buildings, and commemorative buildings. (architectural heritage) Any intervention towards architectural heritage should not damage such values.
1.2 Objects
The objects of these principles are legislative monuments, historical buildings, and commemorative buildings designated or listed by Taiwan’s Cultural Property Act. Settlements and group of buildings, historical relics, and cultural landscapes may also be referred.
1.3 Values
Cultural properties own historic, artistic, and scientific values. They are embedded in architecture edifices and its environments in tangible or intangible ways. There are multi-values in every architectural heritage. The more values the cultural properties are, the more important they are to the humankind, and their preservation becomes more desirable. The values of cultural properties should be recognized, assessed, as well as identified cautiously, and treated as the main aims for preservation.
1.4 Recognition of Values
In addition to visualized built form, construction, and materials, the setting, edifice and construction are important spatial carriers. Many intangible cultural properties such as traditional performing arts, traditional craftsmanship, oral tradition, folklore, and traditional knowledge are recorded in tangible carriers and presented. Tangible and intangible cultural properties are closely related and should be mutually respected.
Every Architectural heritage owns its individual values. By more than two heritages, abundant values can be reflected in a certain thematic architectural heritage. In a thematic heritage, single architectural heritage site may play different role. However, they are important components in interpreting a certain theme. In addition to the needs of every individual architectural heritage, their conservation and management should be integrally planned in view of the theme.
1.5 Acknowledgement
Acknowledgement is the basis work for understanding the values of architectural heritage. Any information received from the investigation should be respect, deciphered, and treated as the criteria for value assessment.
1.6 Assessment
The judgment of values is involved in proposal and review ranging from survey, draft, designation, listing, restoration and reuse plan to actual site construction. The process of value judgment is so-called assessment.
1.7 Associated Factors
In addition to main parts such as the structure and related spaces, architectural heritage also owns associated neighboring physical elements (buildings. Sites, landscapes, routes and other objects), intangible elements (memories, oral information, written documents, rituals, festivals, and traditional knowledge), and related preservation techniques. All of them should be recognized, assessed, and preserved to the utmost.
1.8 在地特質
1.8 Local Characteristics
During the process of preservation, the multi-fold, diverse, and ever-changing cultural characteristics, including physical remains and intangible values, formed by local natural environment and humanistic environment, should be respected.
1.9 保存
1.9 Preservation
Preservation is a strategy toward architectural heritage. Its goal is given to maintain the current status of the architectural heritage. Only under the circumstance to prevent or avoid deterioration, conservation of further hierarchy can be applied.
1.10 維護
1.10 Conservation
Conservation is the basic way toward architectural heritage. Different hierarchies will be applied according to the status of every architectural heritage. Conservation hierarchy based on the priority of the values of architectural heritage constitutes the core of the preservation ethics.
1.11 調查
1.11 Investigation
Investigation is the primary work for architectural heritage preservation. Assessment of current status and values of architectural heritage is the foundation of further restoration and reuse. Investigation, which includes information gathering, survey, documentation, analysis, judgment, and identification, needs the participation of inter-disciplinary professionals. Archive information should be created carefully.
1.12 修復
1.12 Restoration
Restoration is a highly professional conservation hierarchy. The purpose of restoration is to preserve and present the total values of an architectural heritage. Restoration must respect original materials, construction, environment and intangible information such as craftsmanship and techniques. Any restoration must be based on the fundamental value judgment as well as clear discourse and should any conjecture should be avoided..
1.13 再利用
1.13 Reuse
Continuous use is the best way for architectural heritage. Maintaining the original function should be the first priority for preservation.
1.14 管理維護
1.14 Maintenance
Maintenance is the major phase for the lifecycle of architectural heritage preservation. To ascertain proper maintenance will reduce the frequency of restoration.
1.15 災害風險管理
1.15 Disaster Risk Control
The assessment based on the damage factors and post-disaster resilience and correspondent emergency plan as well as education, training and practice are the key points for architectural heritage disaster risk control.
1.16 衍生效益
1.16 Derivative Benefits
By way of reuse, architectural heritage may create derivative social, educational and economic benefits. Through these benefits, people can have further understanding of value of architectural heritage, which can become the support of sustainable preservation.
1.17 原則與法令的關係
1.17 Relation between Principles and Laws
Principles offer a common acknowledge of all those who in the preservation realm. They are not legislative documents. The contents and requirements proposed by principles can be followed through the amendment of laws or become supplements of the administrational rules.

第二章 執行觀念 
Chapter Two Operational Concepts

2.1 保存、尊重與共存 
2.1Preservation, Respect, and Co-existence
The main purpose of preserving architectural heritage is to preserve the authenticity and integrity of its value. The recognition and assessment of value should be based on single judgment. The information of different historic periods, ethnic groups, or other remnants, should be respected and carefully handled.
2.2 原地與原狀保存
2.2 In situ and Original Status
Architectural heritage should be preserved in situ and in its original status and maintain its safety. The appearance and components which do not reviewed and studied cautiously should be preserved in its current status and should not be changed, altered, or replaced by new design arbitrarily.  Current status should not be changed for the sake of a style unity.
2.3 建築遺產保存與現代法規
2.3 Architectural Heritage Preservation and Modern Codes
Architectural heritage has existed for a long time. To require architectural heritage to meet modern building codes is improper. Current condition and function of an architectural heritage are to be evaluated. Under the condition that the value should not be reduced, appropriate conservation and restoration of existing materials, construction, and structure are acceptable.
2.4 重建與增建 
2.4 Reconstruction and Addition
Architectural heritage should not be reconstructed during the restoration. Any conjectural action is not allowed. The impact to architectural heritage should be evaluated and reviewed before any new addition or removal of current objects. The process must be carefully recorded.
2.5 最少干預
2.5 Minimum Intervention
Any changes or new additions should be avoided as much as possible. Actions that are not cautiously studied and those which are lack of evidence should not be adopted. Any changes and new additions should pay attention to the harmonious integrity and should be distinguishable. They must be recorded in words and pictorial medias, or recorded on constructional components.
2.6 傳統技術
2.6 Traditional Techniques
To inherit traditional techniques is also a major goal in preservation and should be stressed during the process of preservation, including the manufacture of materials and tools, constructional procedure as well as the ability, knowledge, and organization of craftsmen.

 2.7 現代科技  
2.7 Modern Technologies
Modern technologies (materials and method of construction) can only be applied when it is absolutely necessary. Original scientific basis and proper evaluation should be provided before the application.
2.8 跨領域的整合  
2.8 Inter-disciplinary Collaboration
Preservation is a profession action involving inter-disciplinary knowledge. During the preservation process, knowledge of related fields should be mutually participated with the collaboration idea, including professional technicians of various backgrounds, administration institutions and local communities. 

第三章 執行內容 
Chapter Three Operational contents

3.1 維持建築遺產現況並使之安全
3.1 Maintaining Current Condition and Safety
Maintaining Current Condition and Safety is the best way for preservation. Such situation can be achieved through appropriate and sustainable maintenance and conservation. Other methods of restoration can be applied when maintenance and conservation cannot secure the stability and safety of architectural heritage.
3.2 修復或再利用計畫 
3.2 Restoration and Reuse Plan
In order to execute the restoration and reuse works, detailed investigations and studies of related documents and current condition should be performed first which will followed by the proposal of the restoration and reuse plan. Principles of the restoration and reuse plan are proposed primary based on the recognition and assessment of the value of architectural heritage. This phase is also the starting point for the establishment of a complete records and archives. In the reuse plan, the interpretation and presentation of architectural heritage are required items.
3.3 必要的解體調查
3.3 Necessary Dismantlement
Dismantlement investigation is an important measure to discover the hidden significant value of architectural heritage. However, unnecessary or excessive dismantlement should not be performed for the sake of study. The scale and method of dismantlement should be proposed, reviewed and discussed before proceed execution.
3.4 必要的考古調查與發掘
3.4 Necessary Archaeological Investigation and Excavation
When architectural heritage is situated in the declared archaeological site, quasi site, or site with potential buried objects, necessary archaeological investigation and excavation should be included in the restoration and reuse plan and performed by related professionals.
3.5 規劃設計
3.5 Planning and Design
Planning and design should be based on the principles and contents proposed in restoration and reuse plan. Original plan should be reviewed and revised to meet the changes due to the time and objective environment. The restoration design of architectural heritage should meet simultaneously the concerns of architectural heritage value and the needs of reuse. In many situations, reuse plan that changes the original function will enable the preservation of the major value. New function and equipment may be added to the reuse plan if they do not damage the original value.
3.6 施工
3.6 Construction
The construction methods and manners of architectural heritage restoration and reuse will directly influence the effect of the preservation of architectural heritage value. They should be performed cooperatively by professionals of traditional technique and modern technology with correct ideas and procedures.
3.7 構材保存與保護
3.7 Component Preservation and Protection
During the process of restoration, original components should be restored as much as possible and unnecessary replacement in any form should be avoided. If cultural-valuable decorations and remaining marks are kept on the components, the preservation of them is the first priority. Components with technological-historic value (tool marks and materials) should be treated equally and preserved.
3.8 必要的結構補強
3.8 Necessary Structural Reinforcement
Temporary protection measures should not damage the original components. Necessary structural reinforcement should not replace the original structural system and should not be over-reinforced. Structural reinforcement should not be performed only to meet the requirements of modern building codes.
3.9 緊急搶救  
3.9 Emergency Rescue
The emergency rescue of architectural heritage after the devastating disaster should be participated or executed by architectural heritage professionals. The temporary protection and support should not damage original components. The preservation of the value of architectural heritage should be the first priority.
3.10 監造
3.10 Supervision
The supervision of the restoration and reuse works is the direct responsibility of the designer and planner. The works should be supervised all the time to ensure that the correct ideas and procedures are executed by workers and to ascertain that the value of architectural heritage will not be reduced. Any new information revealed during the constructional process, value should be assessed and suitable suggestions be proposed by those who supervising the project.
3.11 記錄
3.11 Record
Preservation works of every phase should be accurately recorded in various may. Records should be open to the public. If the privacy is concerned, permissions from those who involved should be obtained before the records are completely or partially open to the public.
3.12 經營管理與再利用
3.12 Management and Reuse
The type of management and reuse will influence the effect of architectural heritage vitalization and need to be discussed among professional organizations. To meet the needs of reuse, the space and facilities of architectural heritage may be altered. Nevertheless, the requirements of these principles should be followed.
3.13 管理維護 
3.13 Management and Maintenance
In order to maintain a better condition, the manager should propose a management and conservation plan which will become a basis for daily maintenance, periodic repair and other necessary works.
3.14 民眾參與 
3.14 People’s Participation
The preservation and conservation of architectural heritage is an important work concerning the national cultural preservation and involving the interests of stakeholders. In order to let people and stakeholders to express their diverse opinions toward the preservation and conservation of architectural heritage, different channels should be offered.  Administration institutions and related organization should help the communications of different opinions.

第四章 執行人員 
Chapter Four Operational participants

4.1 基本認知與資格
4.1 Fundamental Recognition and Qualification
Principles can suitably applied to people involving architectural heritage administration (review and check), practices (investigation, planning and design, supervision, documentation), construction (construction company and worker), reuse management, maintenance and owner (administrator and user), and associated people (urban planning, building management, fire safety) etc. These people may be in charge of different works. Considering the influences to the preservation and conservation process, they should recognize the value of architectural heritage and take the responsibility of not to reduce its value.
4.2 義務與做成報告

4.2 Obligation and Report
Those who involved in different phases of preservation are protectors of the value. They should execute various work concerning the architectural value cautiously and scientifically in order to propose a complete report and record. Any conjecture should not be allowed.

4.3 審議與查核 
4.3 Review and Check
The main purpose of reviewing and checking during the preservation process is to secure the goal of architectural heritage preservation, and help to remind those who execute the projects the appropriation of every step to ascertain the value of architectural heritage is preserved.
4.4 持續的投入
4.4 Continuous Involvement
Architectural heritage preservation is a sustainable work. All those who in this system should learn new ideas as well as new knowledge, involve in various works of preservation.

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